BienvenidO a midway manor!
Midway Manor Community Association
The Midway Manor Community Association was formed on November 14, 1957, to foster neighborliness, goodwill and friendship among the residents of Midway Manor and to advance, engage, and assist in social and civic plans, programs and service for the betterment of its members and the residents of the Midway Manor Community.
Midway Manor is located on the east side of Allentown, PA, and is bordered by Sherman Street, Columbia Street, Club Avenue, and Union Boulevard.
All residents of Midway Manor are eligible to join the Association. Yearly dues are $15 per household, $10 per senior household (60+). Membership dues and funds raised are used to pay for the snack shed at the park, children's activities and any other need approved by the Board and Association.
En español:
La Asociación Comunitaria de Midway Manor se formó el 14 de noviembre de 1957 para fomentar la vecindad, la buena voluntad y la amistad entre los residentes de Midway Manor y para avanzar, participar y ayudar en los planes, programas y servicios sociales y cívicos para el mejoramiento de sus miembros y los residentes de Midway Manor.
Midway Manor está bordeado por Club Avenue hasta N. Sherman Street, Union Boulevard hasta E. Columbia St.
Todos los residentes de Midway Manor son elegibles para unirse a la Asociación. Las cuotas anuales son $ 15 por hogar, $ 10 por hogar de personas mayores (60+). Las cuotas de membresía y los fondos recaudados se utilizan para pagar el cobertizo de refrigerios en el parque, las actividades de los niños y cualquier otra necesidad aprobada por la Junta y la Asociación.
Midway Manor will host a Special Olympics soccer meet at the park on Oct. 13 beginning at 1 p.m. Come out and cheer on the athletes and support the Manor. The snack shed will be open!
The annual Trunk or Treat event will be held Saturday, Oct. 26 at 5pm at the park. A movie will follow, which will be a Halloween feature -- "Beetlejuice"
Thank you to our friend and neighbor Eddie Bascilli and the Cliff Lewis Experience for sponsoring movie night!
See upcoming dates for our monthly meetings HERE.
All monthly meetings are at the Meals on Wheels building at 1302 N. Sherman Street.
We meet in the cafe area located on the right as you enter the building. There are fully handicapped-accessible ramps and accessible restrooms.
MMCA Membership can now be paid for or renewed. Scan below to send your payment through Venmo.